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Key Dates in Our History

1966….Began providing services, and was named “North Central Rehabilitation Center”

1974….Moved vocational services to the current building

1982….Gained responsibility of the 12 bed Fort Dodge Group Home, a Residential Care Facility (RCF) serving people with intellectual disabilities

1983….Began serving individuals living in their own apartments

1990….Started Oak Estate, an RCF serving people with intellectual disabilities. Expanded services to include supporting people with mental illness living in apartments

1995….Approved to be a Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) provider. Began Maple Estate, our first HCBS site

1997….Converted 12 bed Fort Dodge Group Home from an RCF serving people with intellectual disabilities to an RCF serving persons with mental illness. Opened two HCBS sites, Cedar Estate and Willow Estate

1998….Began Ashford Estate, a Residential Care Facility

2000….Converted Oak Estate from an RCF to a five-person HCBS site

2001…Opened a new HCBS site named Marigold Estate

2004….Opened a new HCBS site called Floral Circle

2005….Began providing respite services to individuals on the Children’s Mental Health Waiver. Began Work Crew services.

2007….Converted 12-bed Fort Dodge Group Home to a five-bed home, renaming it Aspen Estate. Moved all residential offices to one site

2011….Opened a new HCBS site name Sequoia

2013….Converted two-five bed Residential Care Facilities, Aspen Estate and Ashford Estate, to HCBS sites.

2017….Expanded services into the Humboldt County area.  Began providing business support services to Freedom Pointe of Greater Webster County.  Began offering Career Exploration as a subservice in Prevocational Training. 

2018….Leased space at the vocational site to Freedom Pointe of Greater Webster County.  Ended Prevocational Training on the last working day of December 2018.