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Amy’s Story

Julie Roethler and AmyGrowing up I had four brothers and one sister. In 1987 five out of us six kids had babies within three
months of each other. Amy was one of the oldest. At first, we didn’t notice any problems but as I
watched the other babies do simple things like lifting head, rolling over and sitting up I knew something
was wrong because my baby was not doing any of that. We took her to Rochester and Iowa City, but
nothing was ever found. I was told by one of the Doctors that I was just not accepting it and that they
did not know if she would ever read or write.

We started getting services from AEA and a nice lady named Deb use to come to our house to work with

One of the hardest things I remember is walking my 3-year-old daughter down the lane and putting her
in a car to go to school in Pocahontas. I remember crying all the way back to the house. It was one of the
best things that happened. She had the greatest teacher Nancy Clark from 3 years old through 8 th grade
in Pocahontas and Rolfe. All through school she was integrated into regular classrooms, and I think that
helped a lot. Pocahontas treated her like everyone else. I remember going to a school program in Poky
and sitting in the bleachers. No one knew who I was, but I was sitting behind a couple, and they pointed
and said Look there is Amy. I can’t tell you how good that made me feel. Just that that knew Amy and
was so happy to see her. After middle school she went to Fort Dodge and there she also had excellent
teachers. Even in High School she would keep in touch with Mrs. Clark and call her when she got a
ribbon in Special Olympics. To this day she keeps in touch with a couple teachers from Fort Dodge. She
sends them Birthday cards and texts them occasionally.

After Graduation she moved into an apartment in Humboldt and started getting services from Westfork
Services which is now Lifeworks. She has a one-bedroom apartment which is spotless. Lifeworks has
helped her find a job in the community which she loves. Lifeworks helps her with her day to day needs
such as getting groceries, going to appointments, if she wants to go out to eat with a friend, they take
her out to eat and make sure she gets to work on time. Lifeworks has helped her to become more
independent but there when needed, Lifeworks has a lot of wonderful and caring employees.
I remember my first Lifeworks Charitable Foundation and listening to a person talk about her daughter
and what they went through., I was sitting at the table crying because almost everything she said I went
through. Brought back a lot of memories. I also remember all she said about Lifeworks and how
Lifeworks had impacted her life for the best.

God gave me Amy for a reason. She has brought so much joy to me and a lot of other people. She loves
to talk on the phone and excellent at texting. She has always looked up to her family. She has sixty some
Aunts Uncles and Cousins that she sends Birthday cards to. If anyone needs to know a Birthday or
address, they call Amy. She is a very caring person. She tells me everyday she loves me sometimes 3 or
4 times daily. She has always wanted to do what her cousins were doing. I remember when she was 15
or 16 she was spending the day with my mom and dad. They were sitting at kitchen table eating lunch
and out of the blue she said I don’t know what I am going to drive when I get my drivers license. Maybe I
will drive my dad’s truck!

I have two other children and grandchildren. As a mother you always worry about your kids. But I know
Lifeworks will always be there for Amy and help her succeed. All I want for her is to be as independent
as possible and HAPPY!!!!

LIFEWORKS IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!