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Residential Programs

Home and Community Based Services Site Program

This program provides 24 hour support to adults with disabilities who are eligible for the Home and Community Based Service (HCBS) program.  Because of HCBS rules, emphasis is placed on consumer rights, informed choice, and quality of life. Staff also provides independent living skills training as identified by the consumer’s interdisciplinary team. 

Supported Community Living

This program provides regularly scheduled supports to individuals who live in their own apartments/homes, or in their family home. People receive training in daily living skills such as housekeeping, cooking, menu planning, budgeting, medication management/administration, managing mental/physical health, and more.

Respite services are offered for eligible individuals, with services taking place in the individual’s home.

Service Coordination is provided at the Wahkonsa Apartments through a Housing and Urban Development grant. In addition to linking tenants to available services, assistance is also provided with advocacy, education and mediation.